How Many Jobs Are Available in Energy

How Many Jobs Are Available in Energy

How Many Jobs Are Available in Energy

As we all know, the energy sector is essential to the daily lives of billions of people around the world. Therefore one should expect a positive answer to the question of; is energy a good career path to pursue? and how many jobs are available in energy? Innovations in technology and energy have given rise to a variety of stable energy jobs.

People who work in the energy industry are in charge of maintaining operations in residences, businesses, and a wide range of other industries. Energy offers a wide range of job options, including labor, engineering, and software development. More career opportunities are also available as the demand for renewable energy increases. You will undoubtedly find a job that pays well and appeals to you if you are looking for a career in the energy sector. Read on to learn more about the various career options in the Energy sector, including some of the highest paying jobs available in energy.

How Many Jobs Are Available in Energy?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics‘ most recent data indicates that there are 8.1 million jobs available in the energy sector in 2023, with a 30% growth expected by 2033. Five industries are covered by this sector’s employment opportunities: transportation, energy efficiency, electric power generation, fuels, cars, and combined transmission, distribution, and storage.

According to US News, California, Texas, Florida, and New York have the most renewable energy job openings. The research also mentions that these are the four states with the most populations, thus it stands to reason that the most opportunities would be found there. However, you can work in this sector and reside anywhere in the US. Since almost all industries require power and electricity, energy workers are employed in a wide variety of settings.

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What Do Energy Jobs Pay?

Most people who are considering starting a career want to discover how lucrative their career choice might be. So, is a job in power generation a good choice? Energy-related jobs typically pay well. Renewable energy jobs offer some of the highest paying jobs in the power generation industry. However, there are lots of conventional energy jobs that also pay extremely well. The median annual salary for workers in the energy sector, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), is between $80,000 and $100,000.

Is Energy a Good Career Path?

If you’re a young professional or hoping to start a career, you could feel a little overwhelmed. After all, whether you choose to pursue a certain degree or begin looking for a career right away, there are a variety of possibilities and fields you can enter. You might be considering working in the energy sector given the recent media buzz surrounding green energy The need for energy will only increase as the world changes, global warming picks up speed, and the population grows. The world runs on power. According to Stanford University, 80 percent of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil.

Global emissions must be cut in half by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 if the Earth is to avoid the worst consequences of climate change. In other words, the energy sector will require a large number of workers for the foreseeable and far future. Lights, heaters, cars, and other modern conveniences won’t stop being used by people. As an alternative, modern society must create fresh strategies for capturing and utilizing environmental energy. Compared to now, energy will undoubtedly be considerably more important in the future.

So, is energy a good career path? The answer is Yes, it’s a no-brainer to suppose that getting into energy could be a wise career choice. This is valid whether you are starting a career or trying to switch careers.

What It’s Like Working in the Energy Sector

To different people, working in the energy industry can appear very different. For instance, a worker in the renewable energy industry won’t use the same equipment as a worker at a natural gas excavation site.

Jobs in the energy sector can be found in a variety of fields. Most of the time, office environments are where software developers, financial analysts, and information systems managers work. Lab work is done by chemists. On-site workers include installers and machine operators. Each stage of the energy harvesting cycle will probably be experienced by those who pursue careers in energy engineering.

What Types of Jobs Are Available in Energy?

Energy offers a wide range of lucrative jobs. The energy sector includes a wide range of job titles and demands many different skill sets. These jobs include everything from highly technical professionals to skilled workers. If you have knowledge in any of these areas, the energy sector might be your next career move. The following include some of the best paying jobs available in energy:


An engineer solves issues using math, science, and technology. Engineering is all around us, enhancing the ways that we work, travel, communicate, maintain our health, and have fun.

Engineers transform scientific information into technology, which they subsequently transform into a practical solution or innovation. All engineers experience a sense of pride and well-being after successfully completing a challenging assignment. Making, designing, and manufacturing valuable goods and services for other people is a career that will enrich your life.

Engineers work on drug delivery systems that operate inside cells at the molecular level. To clean up oil spills, abandoned industrial sites, and other biohazards, they examine the particulate transport of toxins through soil at a macro level. They create spacecraft for the galactic exploration of other planets. They create data storage at the atomic level that concentrates on the spin of electrons in atoms. Engineering also includes the preservation of our environment and the provision of clean drinking water and secure food storage.

For someone with the aptitude, a great interest, solid math skills, and a rational approach to problem solving, engineering can be a fantastic job. Engineering majors are known for being extremely demanding and can sometimes take five years to accomplish. You could find it challenging to complete the necessary math and science, and you might question whether the effort required is worthwhile (especially when seeing students in other programs having a lot more fun than you).

Being an engineer is, in the end, a rewarding and pleasant job. Just keep in mind that you must work hard to obtain any form of success. It will provide you the chance to develop, test, and design products that address global issues and will present countless opportunities for professional advancement. It will undoubtedly be worthwhile if you choose your engineering specialty properly and remain loyal to yourself and your strengths. The most common engineering jobs are:

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Civil Engineer

A civil engineer plans and manages the construction of public works, including highways, bridges, tunnels, buildings, airports, water and sewage systems, and other significant infrastructure projects.

Chemical Engineer

Because of their extensive knowledge and skill sets, chemical engineers are occasionally referred to as “universal engineers.” These engineers have a thorough understanding of chemistry and biology in addition to all the fundamental engineering training in mathematics and physics.

Industrial Engineer

Industrial engineers explore numerous approaches to get rid of waste in the production process. They find ways to make the most effective use of resources, including workers, equipment, materials, information, and energy, to produce goods or deliver services.

Environmental Engineer

In order to create solutions for environmental issues, environmental engineers use engineering, soil science, biology, and chemistry principles. They participate in activities aimed at enhancing recycling, waste management, public health, and pollution control of the air and water.

Machine Learning Engineer

Software engineers and data scientists who specialize in machine learning are IT professionals. They gather, process, and analyze data using their coding and programming skills with the intention of developing tools that will make the collection and classification of that data simpler. They create and implement algorithms to produce precise predictions, and they use machine learning to help organize data and fix issues with data sets.

Nuclear Engineer

A nuclear engineer studies and develops the procedures, tools, and equipment needed to utilize nuclear energy and radiation. These engineers use radioactive elements for industrial and medical purposes, such as in devices for medical diagnosis and therapy.

Petroleum Engineer

Natural gas and crude oil reserves are found underground by petroleum engineers. They assess whether the time and money spent on extracting the product will be worthwhile. Petroleum engineers determine the most cost-effective method of obtaining the product once it has been decided to drill.

Electrical Engineer

In order to create new electrical systems and equipment, address issues, and test machinery, electrical engineers use the physics and mathematics of electricity, electromagnetic, and electronics. In addition to designing home appliances, large-scale electrical telecommunication systems, electrical power plants, and satellite communications systems, electrical engineers can work on a variety of projects.

Computer Engineer

Electrical engineering and computer science are combined in the field of computer engineering to enhance advancements in digital technology, computer networking, and computer systems. University education, which might take four to seven years to finish, is necessary to become a computer engineer.

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Geothermal Engineer

Geothermal energy is a rapidly advancing and rising technology. By developing methods and tools that transform thermal energy held inside the earth into electrical energy, geothermal engineers investigate innovative ways to harness and apply this technology.

Construction workers

A construction worker or laborer performs manual labor on construction sites. Sites may be cleaned, items loaded or unloaded, and hazards removed as part of preparation work. A general laborer may also operate some pieces of machinery, erect scaffolding and other temporary buildings, and dismantle them as well. They are necessary for building, building projects, and environmental cleanup.

Construction and laborers are necessary for energy operations. According to EESI, 50% of workers who are energy efficient employees work in construction. construction workers operate and maintain machinery and equipment for construction, When necessary, aid machinery operators, carpenters, and other professional workers. Prepare building sites by removing dangers and barriers, assemble or disassemble construction materials, erect and demolish temporary structures like scaffolding, The most important thing is to follow supervisors’ orders and instructions.


The tasks of an electrician include designing, installing, maintaining, and troubleshooting electrical wiring systems.
These systems may be found in buildings that are residential, commercial, or industrial, as well as in machineries and substantial pieces of equipment. To enable the usage of lights, televisions, machinery, appliances, and many other necessary goods, electricians work both inside and outside.

Either inside wiremen or outside linemen are electricians. Although there are many subspecialties within each of these main concentrations, these are the main ones. Each type of post or specialty has a different set of responsibilities.

Inside wiremen are electricians who almost exclusively specialize on building wiring. The buildings range from recently constructed homes to old industrial structures that are being converted for new purposes. Inside wiremen, as their name suggests, work indoors for the most of their lives. They fix outdated electrical systems or install new ones in new construction while using blueprints to diagnose issues.

Contrarily, outside lineman spend the most of their time working outside. Due to the requirement of climbing telephone and power poles when a lift bucket is not available, they must demonstrate a reasonable level of physical fitness. In order to fix power outages for all the houses, businesses, and other structures in the area affected by the outage, outside linemen must also withstand bad weather. These electricians operate traffic signals, transmission lines, and transformers. They might also be needed to install electrical substations or prune trees.

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Surveying technician

A surveying technician, often referred to as a survey technician, collaborates with surveyors and mapmakers to calculate and collect data that is used to measure the Earth’s natural features. They produce topographical maps using the information they’ve gathered. They frequently undertake tasks including gathering data using GPS and GIS, measuring, recording, and computing data sets, and creating computerized photographs and drawings of the locations they are assigned to for use in the maps.

Nuclear power reactor operator

To make sure a reactor receives the right quantity of electricity to function properly, a nuclear power reactor operator inspects and modifies the control rods on the reactor. Additionally, they are in charge of keeping an eye on equipment including cooling systems, turbines, reactors, and generators. They also start and stop machinery while it is in operation, record any data it may generate, and investigate the sources of any abnormalities they may notice.


A geologist carefully examines and investigates the earth’s composition, history, and processes. They make use of this knowledge to comprehend the effects on the ecosystem and maintain its sustainability for both people and animals. Other duties can include coming up with novel ways to gather data and conduct studies without harming the environment, running experiments and surveys to examine different geophysical and geological phenomena, and giving environmental protection advice to governments and building firms.


Chemists conduct tests on a variety of chemicals to examine quality control or to develop new products. To maintain products safe for consumers, many of them carefully examine the chemical composition of various components frequently utilized in the manufacturing sector. Additional duties could include planning and providing guidance for standard test procedures, creating and improving products, formulations, and analytical techniques, and working closely with scientists and engineers to interpret and carry out tests.

5 Energy Sources of The Future

The most recent analysis from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations, which was published in November, did not present a particularly optimistic image. The international scientific community has made its strongest call yet for governments to seriously reduce greenhouse gas emissions, warning that the environment will suffer if emissions are not reduced by 40 to 70 percent globally by 2050.

Behind the scenes, Fortune 500 companies, research and development labs, and universities are hard at work creating potential answers. None are magic bullets, and several seem like science fiction. Here is a look at some of the most innovative aspect of energy that could power our future. Learn more.

1. Nuclear energy

A type of energy emitted by an atom’s nucleus, which is composed of protons and neutrons, is known as nuclear energy. Fission, which occurs when atom nuclei split into several pieces, and fusion, which occurs when nuclei combine, are the two methods in which this type of energy can be created. Nuclear fusion technology is still in the research and development stage, whereas nuclear fission energy is currently used to create electricity throughout the world.

Since the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster, which struck Japan in the wake of a significant earthquake in 2011, the nuclear power sector has been working on safer technological solutions.

Nuclear reactors that are dozens or even hundreds of times smaller and more dispersed are among the concepts so far. Imagine nuclear power reactors the size of warehouses that supply local communities rather than large cities. To lessen the likelihood of any radioactive discharge like the one that shook Japan, passive safety systems have been incorporated into some of the designs for these modular reactors.

Additionally, there are plans to build nuclear reactors offshore, similar to the floating platforms now employed by the oil and gas sector. These could survive a Category 5 hurricane. Furthermore, even in the event of a power outage, the reactor cores would always have access to fresh, chilly saltwater because they would really be submerged beneath the platform.

Typical nuclear energy jobs include:

  • Nuclear Power Plant Manager
  • Nuclear Physicist
  • Nuclear Engineer
  • Reactor Operator

2. Nuclear fusion

The process of nuclear fusion is the union of two light atomic nuclei into one heavier one while releasing enormous quantities of energy.
Plasma, a hot, charged gas comprised of free-moving electrons and positive ions, is the state of matter where fusion events take place. Plasma has special features that make it different from solids, liquids, and other gases.

Since the 1930s, when the notion of nuclear fusion was first recognized, scientists and increasingly engineers have been working to replicate and control it. This is due to the fact that nuclear fusion has the potential to produce practically endless amounts of clean, secure, and cost-effective energy if it can be duplicated on Earth at an industrial scale.

Fission, which is utilized in nuclear power plants, could provide four times as much energy per kilogram of fuel as fusion, and approximately four million times as much energy as burning coal or oil.

Nuclear fusion, which promises endless carbon-free power without creating hazardous nuclear waste, is the Holy Grail of sustainable energy production. Fusion reactors might produce a significant amount of energy at a low environmental cost by learning how to manage an atomic reaction similar to the one that takes place at the sun’s core.

Defense contractor Lockheed Martin has made progress, despite the fact that the technology may not be ready in 30 years. A compact fusion reactor concept that may one day be transported in a tractor-trailer and generate 100 megawatts of power was created by its researchers in October. Within five years, the company wants to have a working prototype, and ten years later, a marketable product.

Notable jobs in nuclear fusion include:

  • Research Scientist
  • Nuclear Fusion Engineer
  • Plasma Science Nuclear Engineer

3. Wind Energy

By turning the kinetic energy of moving air into electrical, wind is used to generate power. Wind drives the rotor blades of contemporary wind turbines, which transform kinetic energy into rotational energy. A shaft that connects the generator to the rotational energy produces electrical energy.

In 25 years, wind power is expected to be widely used as turbine blade designs progress and aeronautics technology is used to extract the most energy possible from each gust of wind.

Additionally, the location of wind turbines will migrate more and more offshore, where nations like Denmark are already demonstrating to the rest of the world how efficient offshore wind energy can be. By 2020, wind power is anticipated to supply a full 50% of the nation’s energy needs, up from its current third-place share today.

1.27 gigawatts of power are produced by offshore installations like the 111-turbine Anholt farm, which was finished last year and can supply well over 1 million homes. Additionally, intermittency is less of a problem with offshore wind resources because they often produce stronger and more reliable winds than onshore installations.

4. Carbon capture and sequestration

Carbon capture and sequestration technologies, which allow for the removal of carbon from power plants for storage in subterranean reservoirs, although they are not power generation technologies, but may finally be maturing after years of trial and error.

New interest in the technology has been prompted by technology pilot projects at coal-fired power stations in nations like Australia and the United States.
The goal is that it will enable other technologies, such biomass- or algae-based biofuels that emit carbon dioxide, to function. This is due to the fact that organic fuels first remove carbon from the atmosphere before turning it into fuel.

5. Geothermal

Heat within the earth is known as geothermal energy. The Greek terms geo (earth) and therme (heat) are where the name geothermal originates from. Because heat is continually created inside the earth, geothermal energy is a renewable energy source. Geothermal heat is used by people to heat their buildings, and generate electricity. Geothermal energy is anticipated to soar in the coming decades as researchers discover a practical means to access energy located deep inside the Earth’s crust.

Researchers in Iceland have been drilling directly into volcanoes for several years in order to access very hot water and magma deposits with the goal of someday turning these high-temperature resources into much more productive geothermal power plants. The objective is to create more sophisticated technologies that can be exported in the coming decade.

If the research is successful, even hotter geothermal resources that can provide ten times as much electricity as current geothermal facilities may soon be available. Drilling geothermal wells offshore may even be possible in the future, according to researchers, who believe that the Juan de Fuca Ridge off the coast of Washington State holds enormous heat energy reserves that may be accessed at a depth of just 1,000 meters below the surface of the ocean.

Notable jobs in geothermal energy include:

  • Reservoir Engineer
  • Geothermal Operator
  • Drilling Engineer
  • Hydrologist
  •  HVAC Technician


The energy sector is fast growing due to the advancement in technology and other factors. Pursuing a career in this sector is definitely a wise choice and from the above article, you can see that there are many jobs available in the energy sector.

In addition to having an impact on the environment, the energy industry “really” sits at the core of our society’s economy, culture, and communities.
Nearly every aspect of our lives is impacted by energy, “from an urban school district’s ability to improve indoor air quality and lower asthma rates by adopting efficient classroom ventilation systems and electric school buses to an anchor employer’s ability to remain competitive and keep providing jobs in small, rural towns. Learn more

Frequently Asked Questions

How many people are employed in energy?

Many of the skills required to fill positions in the expanding clean energy industries are already in the hands of coal and other fossil fuel workers. There are currently 32 million energy employees globally.

How big is the energy industry?

In some business segments, a competitive workforce and supply chain help the U.S. energy industry compete in the $6 trillion global energy market. Growing consumer demand and top-notch innovation also contribute to this competitiveness.

Which renewable energy source creates the most jobs?

The renewable energy source that generates the most jobs is geothermal energy.

Is energy the biggest industry in the world?

No. According to other estimates, the worldwide energy sector will generate $3.7 trillion in revenues in 2021, making it the eighth largest industry in the world.

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