Bolaji Agbede Biography: 10 Unknown Facts About Bolaji Agbede Age, Husband, Education, Career, Personal Life, Net Worth And Appointment

Bolaji Agbede Biography

Bolaji Agbede Biography

Bolaji Agbede was born on October 17, 1968, in Lagos, Nigeria, into a middle-class family. She grew up with four siblings, surrounded by the bustling energy of Lagos. Bolaji’s parents instilled in her values of hard work, integrity, and a thirst for knowledge from a young age. Bolaji Agbede is currently 55 years old as of 2024.

Bolaji Agbede is a highly accomplished professional with 30 years experience in Human Resources management, customer relationship management, and banking operations. With a career spanning more than 30 years, Bolaji Agbede has left a significant mark in the corporate world. This article delves into her remarkable journey, highlights her notable achievements, and discusses the special qualities that have positioned her as a leading figure in the banking sector.

Bolaji Agbede Educational Journey

Bolaji attended St. Mary’s Private School for her primary education and later Federal Government Girls’ College for her secondary education. Her aptitude for mathematics and science became evident early on, shaping her academic pursuits. Bolaji pursued her passion for numbers by enrolling at the University of Lagos in 1986, where she studied Mathematics and Statistics.

After four years of diligent study, Bolaji graduated with first-class honors in 1990, distinguishing herself as one of the top students in her cohort. Her academic excellence opened doors for further education, leading her to secure a scholarship for a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree at Cranfield University in the United Kingdom.

Bolaji’s tenure at Cranfield University broadened her horizons, allowing her to specialize in Human Resources Management and gain invaluable insights into global business practices. She graduated in 2002, equipped with a wealth of knowledge and a determination to make a difference in the world of banking and finance.

Bolaji Agbede Biography

Bolaji Agbede Career

Early Career Beginnings

Bolaji embarked on her professional journey in the banking sector, starting at Guaranty Trust Bank, where she honed her skills and expertise in banking operations. Her exemplary performance and dedication saw her rise through the ranks to the position of Manager, laying a strong foundation for her future endeavors.

Entrepreneurial Pursuits: Following her tenure at Guaranty Trust Bank, Bolaji ventured into entrepreneurship, becoming the CEO of JKG Limited, a reputable business consulting firm. Her entrepreneurial spirit and strategic acumen propelled the firm to new heights, garnering recognition within the industry.

Leadership at Access Bank

In 2003, Bolaji Agbede transitioned to Access Bank, where she assumed various leadership roles over the years. Notably, she served as the Head of HR for the Access Bank Group from 2010 onwards, playing a pivotal role in the successful integration of people and culture during several mergers and acquisitions.

Bolaji’s visionary leadership and innovative approach contributed to Access Bank’s growth and expansion, solidifying its position as a leading financial institution in Africa. Her commitment to gender equality and advocacy for women’s empowerment resonated deeply within the organization, fostering a culture of inclusivity and progress.

Bolaji Agbede Personal Life

Family and Marriage: Bolaji Agbede is married to Olaitan Agbede, a renowned architect and urban planner. The couple tied the knot in 1994, celebrating three decades of love and partnership. Together, they have been blessed with three children: Tolu, Femi, and Simi. Bolaji and Olaitan’s enduring relationship serves as a testament to their shared values of love, respect, and mutual support.

Faith and Community: Bolaji Agbede is a devout Christian who finds solace and strength in her faith. She actively participates in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, where she engages in spiritual growth and community service initiatives. Bolaji’s unwavering faith guides her actions and underscores her commitment to making a positive impact on society.

Bolaji Agbede Net Worth

Financial Success: Bolaji Agbede’s illustrious career and strategic investments have contributed to her substantial net worth, estimated to be around $10 million. As the acting Group Chief Executive Officer of Access Holdings, Bolaji oversees a leading financial services group in Africa, further augmenting her financial standing.

Property and Investments: Bolaji Agbede owns several properties and investments in Nigeria and abroad, reflecting her astute financial management and foresight. Her diversified portfolio underscores her status as one of the wealthiest women in Nigeria, with a legacy of success and prosperity.

Bolaji Agbede’s Appointment

Leadership at Access Holdings: Bolaji Agbede’s appointment as the acting Group Chief Executive Officer of Access Holdings on February 12, 2024, marked a pivotal moment in her career. Following the untimely death of her predecessor, Herbert Wigwe, Bolaji assumed leadership responsibilities with grace and determination.

As the acting CEO, Bolaji Agbede continues to steer Access Holdings towards new heights of success, leveraging her extensive experience and strategic vision. Her appointment underscores her status as a respected leader in the banking industry, poised to drive growth and innovation in the African financial landscape.

Other Facts About Bolaji Agbede

Bolaji Agbede’s journey into the world of banking and business leadership is a testament to her determination, resilience, and passion for making a positive impact. As a prominent Nigerian figure in the financial sector, Agbede currently holds the pivotal role of Acting Group Chief Executive Officer at Access Holdings Plc, a revered entity within Africa’s financial landscape. Her ascent to this position came under tragic circumstances, following the untimely passing of her predecessor, Dr. Herbert Wigwe, in a helicopter accident on February 12, 2024.

Bolaji Agbede Biography

Born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria, in 1968, Agbede’s early years were shaped by the values instilled in her by her middle-class upbringing. Growing up alongside four siblings, she witnessed the hard work and dedication of her parents—her father, a civil servant, and her mother, a teacher. Their commitment to providing for the family and fostering an environment of learning and excellence laid the foundation for Agbede’s future successes.

Education played a pivotal role in Agbede’s journey. She pursued her academic endeavors with zeal, attending St. Mary’s Private School and Federal Government Girls’ College for her primary and secondary education. Her natural aptitude for mathematics and science distinguished her as a standout student, setting the stage for her future endeavors.

Upon graduating from the University of Lagos in 1990 with a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Statistics, Agbede embarked on a path of continuous learning and growth. Her thirst for knowledge led her to pursue further studies abroad, culminating in a Master of Business Administration degree from Cranfield University in the United Kingdom in 2002. This academic achievement equipped her with the tools and insights necessary to navigate the complexities of the business world with confidence and acumen.

Armed with a strong educational background, Agbede embarked on her professional career in 1992 at Guaranty Trust Bank, where she honed her skills across various departments within Commercial Banking and Operations. Her dedication and exceptional performance propelled her ascent through the ranks, culminating in her appointment as Manager in 2001.

In 2003, Agbede transitioned to Access Bank Plc, where she assumed the role of Assistant General Manager. Her tenure at Access Bank was marked by notable achievements, including the effective management of the bank’s portfolio of chemical trading companies. Additionally, her entrepreneurial spirit led her to establish JKG Limited, a business consulting outfit, in the same year, further expanding her impact and influence in the business community.

Throughout her career, Agbede has remained steadfast in her commitment to fostering human capital development and driving organizational growth. In her role as Head of HR for the Access Bank Group since 2010, she has championed initiatives aimed at empowering employees and nurturing talent within the organization. Moreover, her instrumental role in facilitating successful mergers and acquisitions, including those involving Marina International Bank, Capital Bank, and Intercontinental Bank Plc, underscores her strategic vision and leadership prowess.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Agbede is a staunch advocate for gender equality and equity. She has spearheaded progressive initiatives within Access Bank, such as the introduction of paternity leave, extended maternity leave, and the establishment of the Access Women Network. Her unwavering commitment to advancing women’s rights extends beyond the confines of the corporate world, as she actively lends her expertise to non-governmental organizations focused on women’s empowerment, capacity building, and leadership development.

In addition to her professional achievements, Agbede’s personal life reflects her values of family, faith, and community. Married to Olusegun Agbede, a civil engineer and entrepreneur, since 1995, their union is blessed with three children: two sons and a daughter. Together, they form a tight-knit family unit, residing in Lagos and cherishing the moments they share, supporting each other’s aspirations and dreams. Agbede’s commitment to her family is complemented by her devout Christian faith, as she actively participates in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, finding solace and strength in her spiritual beliefs.

As a trailblazer in the world of finance and business leadership, Bolaji Agbede’s remarkable journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring professionals and changemakers alike. Her unwavering dedication to excellence, coupled with her passion for empowering others and driving positive change, positions her as a true icon within the Nigerian and African business community.


In conclusion, Bolaji Agbede’s path from starting out at Guaranty Trust Bank to becoming the Head of HR at Access Bank Group shows how great she is at leading and staying dedicated. She’s had many different roles, and she’s always working to get better at her job. Because of all this, she’s seen as someone who’s leading the way for others in the banking world. Her journey proves that with hard work and dedication, anyone can achieve success in their career.

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