Musa Iliyasu Kwankwaso Biography, Early life, Career, Age, Net Worth, State Of Origin

Musa Iliyasu Kwankwaso Biography

Musa Iliyasu Kwankwaso Biography

Musa Iliyasu Kwankwaso, a well-known grassroots politician, currently serves as the Commissioner for Rural and Community Development in Kano State. Due to his exceptional dedication to the betterment of his people and the state, it came as no surprise to the public when he was conferred with the esteemed title of Sarkin Yaki.

In the realm of northern traditional institutions, the title Sarkin Yaki is conventionally bestowed upon individuals who consistently work towards the welfare and development of their community, prioritizing their needs above their own.

Musa Iliyasu Kwankwaso is a true advocate for the welfare of his people, always seizing any available opportunity, regardless of how small, to benefit them. His tenure as chairman of the Madobi Local Government Council witnessed significant community growth, and numerous villages in Kano State’s forty-four local government areas experienced the benefits of democracy during his term as a commissioner in Malam Ibrahim Shekarau’s administration.

Musa Iliyasu Kwankwaso Career

In an interview with Daily Trust following his turbaning as Sarkin Yakin Karaye, Alhaji Musa Iliyasu Kwankwaso expressed his gratitude to Allah Almighty for selecting him for this role.

He stated, “I am truly thankful to the emir for choosing me for this prestigious title out of millions of individuals. I want to emphasize that I was chosen not because I am flawless or superior to others. It is solely a divine destiny. This appointment presents a challenge for me, and I must now work even harder for my people.”

Musa Iliyasu Kwankwaso acknowledged the increased expectations and hopes of the community and pledged to fulfill his responsibilities diligently as Sarkin Yakin Karaye. He highlighted his longstanding commitment to serving his people, especially through his political career, and mentioned that this appointment would inspire him to do more.

He expressed his gratitude to the emir for the appointment and assured him that he would not disappoint. He pledged to work tirelessly to bring more development to the people of Karaye Emirate and Kano State as a whole.

Alhaji Abubakar Yusuf Karaye, a resident of Karaye town, lauded the selection of Musa Iliyasu Kwankwaso as Sarkin Yakin Karaye, considering it a well-deserved honor. He commended Kwankwaso’s past contributions to the emirate and expressed confidence that he would continue to serve the community effectively.

Ibrahim Bello, a resident of Musa Iliyasu Kwankwaso town, urged the people of Karaye Emirate to provide their full support to the new Sarkin Yakin Karaye. He emphasized that without the backing of the community, even the most determined leader would face challenges, and he called on the people to rally behind their new leader.

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