Irish budget airline Ryanair April passengers up 8% year on year

A Ryanair passenger plane is parked at Cologne/Bonn Airport. Irish budget airline operator Ryanair Holdings reported guests of 17.3 million for the month of April, 2024, compared to 16.0 million, a year ago, an increase of 8%. Thomas Banneyer/dpa

A Ryanair passenger plane is parked at Cologne/Bonn Airport. Irish budget airline operator Ryanair Holdings reported guests of 17.3 million for the month of April, 2024, compared to 16.0 million, a year ago, an increase of 8%. Thomas Banneyer/dpa

Irish budget airline operator Ryanair Holdings reported guests of 17.3 million for the month of April, 2024, compared to 16.0 million, a year ago, an increase of 8%.

Load factor was 92% compared to 94%, prior year, down 2 percentage points. The airline operated over 98,400 flights in April.

Almost 700 flights were cancelled due to Israel/Gaza conflict and over 340 flights cancelled due to the French ATC strike.

For the rolling period, guests were 185.0 million, an increase of 9% from prior year. Load factor was 93%, a decline of 1 percentage point.

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