More Heat Just Dropped on Fani Willis With Move by Georgia State Senate

We’ve been seeing more and more trouble start to pile up for Fulton County DA Fani Willis

First, there was the revelation of an alleged romantic relationship with the man she had appointed to be a special prosecutor, Nathan Wade, in the election case against former President Donald Trump. That was accompanied by evidence of at least two meetings with the Biden White House, which stinks to high heaven. That was followed by the records from Wade’s estranged wife Jocelyn Wade that were filed in their divorce case showing that he allegedly bought trips to go on together with Willis. Then came the news that Fulton County Commissioner Bob Ellis was pursuing Willis for documents involving the alleged relationship with Wade because of concerns about alleged misuse of county funds. Finally, Willis was also excoriated at a meeting by Fulton County residents over the scandal. 



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Now, there’s also another new investigation that she isn’t going to like. 

As our sister site Townhall reported, the Georgia Senate just passed a resolution forming a committee to investigate Willis. 

The investigative body, which will have six Republicans and three Democrats, has full subpoena power and the ability to require testimony given under oath.

By a 30-19 vote, the GOP-led upper house of Georgia’s General Assembly greenlighted the special committee’s creation Friday, passing a resolution (S.R. 465) proposed by Republican state Sen. Greg Dolezal, who serves as the Senate’s chief deputy whip.

The resolution noted the allegations of various forms of prosecutorial misconduct against her in relation to the Trump case, including the ongoing expenditure of significant public funds. 

The resolution said that if such a relationship existed between Willis and the special prosecutor Wade, it would: 


[C]constitute a clear conflict of interest and a fraud upon the taxpayers of Fulton County and the State of Georgia; establish grounds for District Attorney Willis’s recusal from further involvement in the prosecution, potentially delaying it indefinitely and requiring the appointment of a special prosecutor at public expense; and subject District Attorney Willis and potentially others to discipline by the State Bar of Georgia or other entities. 

Subpoena power and the ability to require testimony under oath? Oh, that’s going to be difficult for Willis and Wade when they get grilled over the relationship and the money, and then all of that will come out. And if she has to recuse, that could derail the Trump case or at least require the appointment of someone else. 

Republican state Sen. Brandon Beach called the “scheme” a “prosecution for personal profit.”

“It’s my hope that this investigative committee will use its subpoena power and subpoena witnesses and records to explore if state funds were spent on these lavish trips and fine dining (restaurants),” the GOP state senator said. “Did security details travel on these trips, and who paid for their expenses? Did Ms. Willis break any ethics law by not disclosing any gifts she received?”


The next thing on the agenda, though, is Willis is required to respond to the allegations about the affair by defendant Michael Roman in the Trump case on Feb 2, and there will be a hearing on the allegations on Feb. 15 in that matter. 

So break out the popcorn, there’s a lot more to come. 

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