Argentina’s Javier Milei Continues Taking a Chainsaw to Government Regulations

Argentinian President Javier Milei is continuing his effort to shrink the size of the country’s government. Under his leadership, the government recently cut yet another pound of regulatory flesh from Argentina’s economy.


On Monday, it was reported that the state pushed forth another deregulation package in an effort to free up more of the nation’s market by getting rid of “Soviet resolutions.”

While renegotiating the omnibus law to get votes, the Government moved forward with another deregulatory package and eliminated 69 regulations under the orbit of the decades-old Ministry of Commerce. It was reflected in resolution 51/2024. According to the Government, the measures “hindered commercial relations between citizens and promoted an interventionist role for the State.”

“Today the Secretary of Commerce eliminated 60 Soviet resolutions designed to complicate the private sector. Less bureaucracy, more transparency and greater freedom for the benefit of consumers…” wrote the Undersecretary of Press, Javier Lanari about the measure.

However, the norm that Pablo Lavigne signed is more specific about its purpose: the  “deepening of market freedom . ” Thus, they point to the ” spontaneous interaction of supply and demand as a way of organizing and reactivating the economy, facilitating the functioning of markets and internal and external trade, promoting the deregulation of markets and regulatory simplification”, as detailed in the resolution that was published in the Official Gazette.


Members of Argentina’s government indicated that the regulations “generated a waste of human and technological resources for both the State and companies.” with information that in the past was used as a tool of pressure on companies to achieve adherence to the programs promoted by the previous administration.”

This is the latest development in Milei’s quest to reverse the impact of decades of socialist policies that have caused a series of economic woes. Currently, about 40.1 percent of Argentinians are living in poverty while the nation deals with sky-high inflation.

Since taking office, Milei has begun cleaning house, laying off 5,000 government employees, doubled the number of rental units while lowering prices by 20 percent, and been called a fascist by authoritarian leftists who are in dire need of a dictionary.

Recently, Milei made waves by attending the World Economic Forum, where he ventured into the lion’s den and rebuked the authoritarians to their socialist faces.

MILEI: Today, I’m here to tell you that the Western world is in danger. It is in danger because those who are supposed to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inevitably leads to socialism and thereby to poverty. Unfortunately, in recent decades, motivated by some well-meaning individuals willing to help others, and others motivated by the wish to belong to a privileged class, the main leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism. We’re here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that inflict the citizens of the world. Rather, they are the root cause. Do believe me, no one is in a better place than us, Argentines, to testify to these two points.


It it less than two months into Milei’s presidency and he has already made a significant impact on the world stage. Hopefully, America will see the benefits of his policies and stop electing socialists of our own.

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