Ciru Muriuki Biography: 10 Unknown Facts About Ciru Muriuki Age, Husband, Education, Career, Personal Life And Net Worth

Ciru Muriuki Biography

Ciru Muriuki Biography

Ciru Muriuki is a journalist, radio presenter, TV personality, writer, and activist born on April 7, 1982, in Nairobi, Kenya. Raised and bred in Nairobi, she developed a keen interest in various fields, showcasing her passion for learning, music, and advocacy. Ciru Muriuki is 42 years old as of 2024.

Ciru Muriuki Education

After completing her high school education at Kianda School, Ciru Muriuki gained admission to the University of Nairobi Medical School. However, her journey took an unexpected turn when she realized her true passion lay in broadcasting. This realization prompted her to shift her focus, embarking on a path that aligned with her aspirations.

Ciru Muriuki Career

Radio and TV Journey: Ciru Muriuki’s on-air career commenced in 2008 at Homeboyz Radio, where she served as a Late Night presenter and entertainment news reporter. Her skillful engagement with a diverse radio audience laid the foundation for her subsequent successes. In 2013, she joined Kiss 100 radio, and in 2014, she embraced the opportunity to work at East Africa’s largest media house, Nation Media Group. Currently, she hosts the Late Night show on Hot 96.

The Trend and Social Media Influence: A notable presence on Kenya’s most-watched television show, The Trend, on NTV, Ciru Muriuki has become well-known for her informed, pithy, and witty take on contemporary issues. Her influence extends to social media, where she maintains a large and devoted following, establishing herself as an opinion leader. Ciru’s interests span advocacy and women’s rights, technology, travel, and lifestyle.

Ciru Muriuki Personal Life

Ciru Muriuki Biography

Engagement and Podcast: In a delightful turn of events, Ciru Muriuki shared her joyous engagement to popular actor Charles Ouda in 2023. The couple, known for their adorable moments, captured the hearts of many with a heartwarming engagement announcement. Additionally, Ciru introduced her podcast, partnering with Charles Ouda as a co-host, showcasing her versatility and passion for diverse forms of expression.

Family and Challenges: Ciru Muriuki is a mother to Erica Gachoka, a 26-year-old daughter. In a challenging moment, Erica Gachoka, along with her friend Shanice Agose, was abducted in 2023. The perpetrators demanded a ransom, leading to a distressing episode for Ciru Muriuki. Thankfully, the two were rescued after being missing for a week.

Ciru Muriuki’s impactful career has been recognized through accolades such as being named one of the top radio personalities of 2015 by Up Magazine. Her ability to navigate various media platforms and engage audiences reflects her versatility and influence.

Loss of Charles Ouda

Tragically, Charles Ouda, Ciru Muriuki’s fiancé, and a renowned actor, passed away on February 3, 2023, leaving a void in both their lives. The loss was confirmed by a statement from the family, marking a challenging period for Ciru Muriuki.

Ciru Muriuki Net Worth

Ciru Muriuki, with her successful career as a journalist and media personality, has accumulated a net worth estimated at $200,000. Her financial achievements reflect her professional accomplishments and the impact she has made in the media industry.

Other Facts About Ciru Muriuki

Ciru Muriuki Biography

Ciru Muriuki was born on April 7, 1982 in Nairobi, Kenya. She is a multifaceted individual known for her roles as a journalist, radio presenter, TV personality, writer, and activist. Raised in Nairobi, Ciru is a self-proclaimed nerd with a deep passion for reading about diverse topics and music. After completing her high school education at Kianda School, she initially pursued studies at the University of Nairobi Medical School but later discovered her true passion lay in broadcasting.

Her journey in broadcasting commenced in 2008 at Homeboyz Radio, where she served as a Late Night presenter and entertainment news reporter. Subsequently, in 2013, she joined Kiss 100 radio before moving to the Nation Media Group in 2014, becoming the Late Night host on Hot 96. Additionally, she actively participates in Kenya’s popular TV show, The Trend, every Friday night on NTV.

Ciru is widely recognized for her informed, pithy, and witty commentary on contemporary issues. She has gained a substantial following on social media, where she positions herself as an opinion leader. Her interests span advocacy and women’s rights, technology, travel, and lifestyle. In 2015, she was acknowledged as one of the top radio personalities by Up Magazine.

Beyond her on-air presence, Ciru is dedicated to her academic pursuits, currently working towards a degree in Communication at Daystar University in Nairobi. In 2023, she joyously announced her engagement to popular actor Charles Ouda, sharing the exciting news with her followers in a captivating life update video.

Ciru Muriuki and Charles Ouda’s engagement announcement was met with warm wishes and congratulations from fans and friends. Charles Ouda, a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, is known for his roles in various film ventures, including ‘Makutano Junction,’ ‘The First Grader,’ and ‘Count It Out.’ He is not only an actor but also a film director, scriptwriter, and events manager.

Tragically, Charles Ouda passed away on February 3, 2023, as confirmed by a statement from the family. Ciru Muriuki, a successful journalist, has accumulated a net worth of $200,000.

In an unfortunate incident in 2023, Ciru’s daughter, Erica Gachoka, was abducted, demanding a ransom of Sh500,000 for both individuals. Fortunately, they were rescued after being missing for a week. Despite facing challenges, Ciru remains resilient, emphasizing her ability to overcome life’s hurdles.

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