Hippolite Amadi Biography: Career, Education, Early Life And Net Worth

Hippolite Amadi Biography

Hippolite Amadi holds the position of a professor at Imperial College London’s Department of Bioengineering, specializing in medical engineering and technology. Her focus is on creating affordable healthcare systems.

Hippolite Amadi Biography

Hippolite Amadi is a Researcher and he currently holds the position of a Professor in Medical Engineering and Technology at the Department of Bioengineering in Imperial College London. He has a strong interest in creating affordable medical systems, especially for places with limited resources. With over two decades of experience, he’s been working on designing cost-effective medical solutions.

His ongoing project aims to expand on the successes of previous nationwide initiatives, which involved collaborative research, validation, development, and implementation of simplified devices and procedures. These innovations have been crucial in improving the survival rates of newborns in Nigerian referral centers.

Hippolite Amadi Career

Hippolite’s career in engineering and medicine has spanned more than three decades, starting in 1987. He has worked in various areas, including healthcare engineering, orthopedics, and neonatology research.

His current global reputation as a significant contributor to neonatal medical innovations worldwide has been shaped by his academic achievements. He started as a student and later became a staff member and professor at the prestigious Imperial College London in the United Kingdom.

Throughout his career, he has achieved many notable milestones, such as discovering a mathematical model linking the human proximal humerus’s capsular-insertion neck to its anatomical neck in 2006. This discovery improved the planning of shoulder surgeries. He also created the Recycled Incubator Technology (RIT) for neonatal incubator care in 2003.

In addition, he identified tropical Evening-fever Syndrome (EFS) in neonates in 2012 and developed an antidote for neonatal hyperthermia in 2014. He introduced the Handy Approach (HHA) and the Initial set-point algorithm (HISA) in 2012 and 2016, respectively, to address high neonatal mortality caused by thermal stress in low and middle-income countries. He also innovated the Politeheart bubble continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device in 2017, as well as the Polite-One2four oxygen supply splitter system and Polite02Blend in 2019, enhancing neonatal respiratory support.

For the past two decades, his work has extended to more than 25 tertiary hospitals across Nigeria, gathering extensive data on neonatal health. Hippolite has been recognized on the WHO and World Bank lists of global thinkers for his insights into the impact of climate change on neonatal health in Africa.

His research groups across Nigeria have contributed to groundbreaking medical procedures and devices, earning him global recognition, including the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Medicine (FRSM).

At Imperial College London, his current role is focused on developing affordable medical technology for low- and middle-income countries. Additionally, he serves as the PRINCIPAL consultant at the Neonatal Concerns for Africa charity organization.

Hippolite Amadi Education

Hippolite Amadi is now a Visiting Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College. He previously earned both an MSc in 2002 and a PhD in 2006 from the same institution. Before that, he studied Mechanical Engineering and Production Management in Nigeria.

In September 2023, Hippolite was honored with the 2023 Nigeria Prize for Science. He received this award for his groundbreaking contributions to respiratory technologies, which have significantly improved the health of newborns and children.

Hippolite Amadi Net Worth

Hippolite Amadi is esimated to have a net worth of over $300,000

Professor Hippolite Amadi Selected Publications

Amadi H, Abubakar AL, Abdullahi RA, et al., 2023, The Neonatal Rescue Scheme (NRS) concept reduces mortality by over 85% in Niger State Nigeria – a lesson for Nigeria and other LMICs, Journal of Neonatal Nursing, ISSN:1355-1841

Amadi HO, Emery RJ, Wallace A, et al., 2014, Specificity of clinical examinations for testing glenohumeral ligament integrity: a computational study, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol:17, ISSN:1025-5842, Pages:933-943

Amadi H, Abubakar AL, Abdullahi RA, Abubakar AG et al., 2023, The Neonatal Rescue Scheme (NRS) concept reduces mortality by over 85% in Niger State Nigeria – a lesson for Nigeria and other LMICs, Journal of Neonatal Nursing, ISSN: 1355-1841

Amadi H, Abubakar AL, 2023, Neonatal care empowerment at LMIC hinterlands – the Nigerian Neonatal Rescue Scheme template, 5th Euro Global Conference on Pediatrics and Neonatology

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