The Internet Is Forever: Old Tweets Expose Joe Biden’s Hypocrisy As Campus Violence Sweeps Across America

As violent pro-Hamas protests engulf campuses across America, one “leader” has been notably silent. Scenes of anarchy and chaos play on our television screens nightly, yet Joe Biden has yet to face the cameras and weigh in on the matter, much less call for a de-escalation of tensions. The administration’s only notable statements have been Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s weak-kneed homages to the rights of Americans to protest—and while they’ve quietly condemned the antisemitic chants and vandalism, their hearts don’t really seem to be into it. (California Gov. Gavin Newsom has also put on a disappearing act, even as UCLA and USC have been embroiled in chaos.


WATCH: Apocalyptic Scenes As Police Breach Terror Encampment at UCLA, Hamas Supporters Quickly Find Out

Paid ‘Professional Agitators’ Are Fomenting Violence on America’s Campuses

Video: Student Group Stands Against UNC-Chapel Hill Pro-Hamas Mob to Protect U.S. Flag in Powerful Moment

But the internet is forever, and Biden is finding out the hard way that his old tweets haven’t aged well—in fact, they expose him as the feckless hypocritical “leader” that he is. How does this look now, Joe?

Presumably he was referring to the George Floyd/BLM riots that rocked cities across the county in 2020—riots that our media called “mostly peaceful” and that the Democrats seemingly largely supported (now-Vice President Kamala Harris famously supported a fund to bail out violent rioters who were busy burning down Minneapolis). 

Former strategist for the 1992 Clinton–Gore campaign and Democrat shill Paul Begala should also be spending this morning wiping egg off his face, because his past pronouncements also don’t look so good in the cold light of Thursday: 


But Biden had more to say in 2020:

And now they’re happening under your presidency, Mr. President, and you are nowhere to be found. What have you done to help ease tensions and stop the violence that seems to be virtually everywhere? The situation reminds me of Clint Eastwood’s famous speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention when he spoke to an empty chair representing then-president Barack Obama. 

That’s what we’re dealing with—an empty chair presidency. Luckily, the internet will keep reminding us all, and Joe Biden, that he’s an empty suit beholden to his radical constituency. This is happening while you’re in charge, Biden, and once again your failure as a leader is fully exposed.


More Bumbling Biden:

HOT TAKES: Joe Biden Comment on ‘Mental Health’ Goes Viral As Boebert and the Internet Respond

WATCH: Handlers Quickly Swarm As ‘Operation Hide Joe Biden’ Kicks It Up a Notch

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